Thursday 18 July 2019

Survey Claims iPhone Loyalty at an All-Time Low 2019

A new survey conducted by BankMyCell claims that iPhone’s brand loyalty has hit the lowest level among consumers since 2011.

In 2017, iPhone loyalty had reached an all-time high of 92 percent. This has now come down to 73 percent, the lowest since 2011.

The survey polled over 38,000 people who traded their iPhones since October 2018 in lieu of a new phone. As per the data, iPhone’s retention among consumers was down 15.2 percent compared with March 2018. The survey data suggests that 26 percent of people traded in their iPhone X to switch to a smartphone from different brand. In June 2019 alone, 18 percent iPhone users traded their smartphone for a Samsung device.

Retention among Samsung customers improved, with only 7.7 percent trading in their Galaxy S9 to switch to an iPhone.

The decline in iPhone loyalty among customers should not be surprising if one has been closely following what Apple has been doing over the years. Apple has not been innovating at the same pace as its competitors and many iPhone users are likely jumping ship to other smartphones which offer far more features all the while carrying a lower price tag.

There is also the fact that the survey only comprises of people who used BankMyCell’s trade-in and buyback service. The numbers are definitely going to be skewed due to this. While I do believe that people are leaving iPhones for smartphones that offer more value, I don’t think the number is anywhere as bad what the survey data more:top paid android games

read more:limetorrents

[Via Cnet]

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